Thursday, August 5, 2010

August 4

Yesterday, I had the privilege of working the afternoon snack bar shift at 2 p.m. So I slept till 8 a.m., showered and cleaned the tent a little. I missed breakfast, so I looked through my food stash in my locker and constructed a wonderful morning meal: beef jerky, trail mix with M&Ms, Oreos, and water to drink. It held me over till lunch.

In the mean time, I updated the blog, made some phone calls to take care of business back home, and shipped back a pair of shoes that began to fall apart after 2 weeks of wear. Lunch was a surprise- pizza and wings. Even though it was cafeteria pizza and the wings didn't compare to the Avonia Tavern's back home, it was still a welcome meal.

I thought work was going to drag on. My partner in the snack bar was pretty slow at the register and lines were unnecessarily long. But it turned out to be OK. We navigated around the troubles and managed to pull off a successful night. At one point, I started taking ice cream orders in a Louis Armstrong voice.

After work let out, I sat and talked with about ten people from the trading post. We laughed a lot, joked, and discussed topics including: local radio commercials and announcers, crazy businesses in the area, and ourselves. We were all in rare form and very entertaining. It was great to see everyone loosen up and have a good time. About midnight, I was hungry. So I had a can of ham and Twizzlers, before going to bed.

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