Wednesday, August 4, 2010

August 2

I worked in the morning, after a late night in the snack bar. My alarm went off at 6:30 a.m. I got up at 6:45 a.m., and figured I probably should take a shower. It was the fastest shower of the summer. I ran- and made it- to work by 7 a.m.

I decided to share the four gallon-sized bags of cookies (that my mom gave me) with my fellow employees. The two bags of chocolate chip were gone by evening, and only one bag of oatmeal raisin remained. I used the ice cream machine and made myself the equivalent of a Dairy Queen Blizzard with the remaining cookie crumbs. It was delicious.

After work, I went to the staff activities center to check and see if they received my photos I submitted for the photo contest. Good thing I checked- because they didn't. For whatever reason, the e-mail didn't go through, even after I resent them. Luckily they allowed me to submit them, even after the deadline. I'll let you know the results as soon as I find out.

Later that night, I helped out in the snack bar for a little before retreating to my tent to read a ESPN magazine feature story on Aaron Rodgers, the quarterback for the Green Bay Packers. It was very well done. I wanted to play football after reading it, but it was almost midnight, so I just went to bed.

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