Wednesday, August 4, 2010

August 1

August! What? June seemed like a week ago...

Woke up this morning, packed my bags, and headed back to camp. Open road, clear skies.

I spent the ride making song playlists on my i-pod, so I can play my music in the snack bar. I split my music into categories: 1950-60s "oldies", 60s-70s rock/pop, 70s-80s rock, 90s-present rock/pop, and country/western. All these songs are strategically balanced for optimum entertainment, variety, and even flow. I can't wait to play them!

When we arrived at camp, I signed up my parents to tour the Villa Philmonte, the 1920s Mediterranean-style summer home of Waite Phillips- the businessman who made Philmont possible. It was 12:45 p.m- the tour started at 1 p.m. I worked at 2 p.m. So I ran to my tent, packed up things I was sending home, changed into my uniform, and sprinted back to catch the rest of the tour. It was nice and I think the padres enjoyed it too. By the way, the pond my family's putting in our back yard will resemble the picture above. My dad's almost done sculpting the gargoyle.

After browsing the store (while I was working), visiting with my co-workers, and eating dinner with me at the dining hall, my parents said goodbye and were on their way. I'll be home in three weeks; I think they can handle it.

Later that night, I got to play my oldies songs in the snack bar. We had "Oldies Night", a spur-of-the-moment decision, about an hour before we re-opened the snack bar from 8-10 p.m.

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