Tuesday, July 27, 2010

July 26

I woke up, took a shower, and was going to be too late for work if I ate breakfast. So I grabbed a few "breakfast cookies" that my aunt graciously sent me for the sole purpose of eating a quick meal on my way to work in the morning.

When I got to work, my shoulder and upper back were aching and my chest felt cramped. I must had slept on my side the wrong way last night. My manager told me to go to the health lodge to get it checked out, so I obeyed.

I waited in the clinic waiting room for an hour. There, I stretched and worked out the stiffness and was able to breath and move normally again. By the time the medic saw me, I was just fine. I felt like an idiot for even going, but whatever- I'm alive and well. I guess that's all that matters. (And the fact that I got off of work for two hours).

Other than that, I watched Sherlock Holmes last night. But while it was on, I was also coloring a picture and talking with others, so I really didn't get to see it... Oh, well. It was a good night nonetheless.

Full moon last night.

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