Tuesday, July 27, 2010

July 25

I woke up to rain this morning. Same as I went to bed last night. My tent had a few leaks, but nothing serious. Just some drippage. Nothing got wet.

At work, I figured, "It's raining. No one's going to walk to the trading post in the rain, right?" Wrong. It was one of the busiest mornings of the summer. Everyone decided to shop- and get the floors all muddy and dirty. Sweeping was a never-ending job. Just when I finished one lap around the store, I returned to where I started- only to find more dirt.

Since there was nothing to do outside (but get soaked) I reserved a movie room for the night and watched "Ace Ventura: Pet Detective" (starring Jim Carrey) with some friends. It was a good, relaxing getaway before bed.

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