Wednesday, July 14, 2010


After work today, I ate two plates of dinner. I got a call from a friend, saying that there was a soccer game in twenty minutes, so I rounded up a few people to play, ran to my tent, and ran across the street to the Villa (the summer home of Waite Phillips, who donated Philmont to the Scouts over 70 years ago).

We played on the the front lawn- four-on-four, then four-on-five, and finally five-on-five. There were four trading post staff, one bear researcher, one mail room clerk, one tent repair man, one photographer, and a father and daughter duo from the health lodge.

It was hot. You'll notice in the photos that the grass is very green. Why? Because automatic sprinkler systems were installed to water it (oh well for water conservation). We set up our field next to the currently-running sprinklers and played for a while before the sprinklers under our feet activated. We had to move the field over twice to get out of the way.


  1. These soccer pictures are really good. You should submit them in a photography contest. Keep having fun! :)

  2. I just entered them into the 2010 staff photo contest here. I hope I can pull off the win.
