Tuesday, July 27, 2010

July 23

This morning, a few friends and I went to watch the rest of the "Blade" movies. We got a movie room and watched the third and fourth additions to the vampire series. I didn't really watch either movie- I was on my computer the whole time going through photos, checking e-mail, and chipping away at my blog. My friends said the movies weren't that good anyway. I took their word for it.

I worked the evening snack bar shift today (from 2-10 p.m.). I was scheduled with friends, so we got our work done quickly and had some fun. After work, we stood outside and talked for an hour. I listened to our manager tell us stories of the 15 years he spent growing up in South Africa. We even discussed psychology and crazy people we knew.

While in my tent, I thought about the crazy antics, voices, and characters my friends, colleagues, and I have made up. We are a pretty crazy crew at the trading post. And I like it.

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