Saturday, July 24, 2010

Castle Rock

After we returned "home" from Red Robin, the sun started to descend, so we all piled in the car to see the sunset on top of Castle Rock. The town of Castle Rock is named after the small, plateau-like formation jutting out of the ground.

I was the first to the top (because I strayed away from the path and climbed straight up) and was able to capture this panoramic view. The walk up the rock only took about
15 minutes.
The five of us overlooking the town. From what the locals said, this sunset was mediocre compared to most nights. It was a little overcast, but still worth the view.

On the way down, the part of the main path was congested. I decided to take the scenic route to the bottom- a dark, narrow twenty foot drop that I rock climbed down. I took this picture en route.

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