Thursday, July 22, 2010

Broken Camera

The last few days, my camera has been acting up. I was able to take some pictures here and there, but it froze up and glitched out most of the time. Eventually, the only function it performed was picture viewing.

I borrowed my friend's camera for the day, then decided to look into purchasing a new camera. After walking downtown Denver, we went to a suburban REI (Recreational Equipment Incorporated) to check out their wares. Next door was a Best Buy.

I did a quick browse, and found a great Olympus camera in my price range- not only does it shoot High-Definition Video, but it's waterproof (down to 16 feet) and shockproof (up to 5 feet). It was made to finish a rugged summer at a Scout ranch in New Mexico. Though I wanted to do more research, I bought it. It was now or never- there are no electronic stores anywhere close to Philmont. I'm glad I did.

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