Wednesday, June 30, 2010


Beaubien. A horse camp. No electricity. The largest camp on the ranch. Surrounded by beautiful meadows and sections of forest, Beaubien is arguably one of the most beautiful camps on the ranch. I have friends who work there. It was one of the best visits of the summer so far.

When I first arrived, I immediately started to help out: making a fire inside, doing dishes before dinner. Dinner was amazing: Tuna and noodles with select spices and oils, freshly steamed broccoli, and a rich golden cake smothered with warm syrup and pears. It was the best food I'd had in a while. After more dishes, I went to their campfire- it was pretty good. Visiting crews volunteered for skits and the staff played some tunes like "Shady Grove" and "Country Road".

My friend and I did dishes before, during, and after all meals (dinner, breakfast, and lunch). The cooks loved us so much that they said we were welcome back any time. It was nice to relax (even though the dishes and other chores were relaxing in their own way). I branded my wallet with both the cattle and horse brands. I also joined some of the staff on the porch coloring in coloring books... we mailed our beautiful pictures to unsuspecting friends around the ranch.

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