Tuesday, July 6, 2010

July 5

Today, I went into work right on time: 7 a.m. Work seemed to drag on a little longer today, because it wasn't very busy. That was OK though- my brother came to visit after I got out. He picked me up and we went to get a bite to eat at the St. James Hotel, the local restaurant, bar and hotel; it dates back to the wild west. There are bullet holes still in the ceiling. I had a buffalo burger and tried some fried okra- a southern food- only I called it orca, which is a killer whale. The waitress found it hilarious. Then we went to a nearby H0liday Inn. The next few days will be fun- whitewater rafting, sightseeing, and exploring Northeastern New Mexico. It's good to see a familiar face after a month here at Philmont. Don't get me wrong: it's great living, working, and having fun out here, but it'll be good to see everyone again at home in August.

1 comment:

  1. Haha nice post brooooo cant wait to see what you write about out adventures! Flying out in the a.m. ill probably call you on the way.
